Sunday, February 15, 2009

Walk In Beauty

May you walk in the beauty of God's
Grace today, because His grace is:
Before You,
Behind You,
Around You.
Above You and
Within You.
( Navajo Indian Expression )

Yesterday was a special day to tell people
how much they are loved, too bad it's just
one day... Love should be expressed all
the time, and with great passion!
In the dictionary GRACE is defined as;
elegance of manner, charm, liking, favor,
good will,virtue, kindness, politeness,
Oh, I know my family loves me -
I know that I love them! But, why
not SHOW it everyday! What could it
possibly hurt?>>>>Crystal<<<<

About Me

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Wetumka, Okla., United States
I live in Okla. I love crafts -and working with paint on Murals-Woodworking -Crossword Puzzles - Facebook is a biggie too, FarmVille, and YoVille! :) I have some pretty good friends there! Some of them from school :)

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Ronnie Milsap
